What is HBA1c :
HbA1c is average blood sugar of a person over 3 months. Prediabetes is mild increase in blood sugar levels.
Normal HbA1c is less than 5.7%
PreDiabetes HbA1c is 5.7-6.4%
Diabetic HbA1c is 6.5% or more.
Prediabetes is not an illness :
It is not an illness. It only suggests mild decrease in ability of your body to clear glucose from blood.
Warning :
Take this as a warning. If you continue to follow current lifestyle, it may progress to full blown diabetes (HbA1c of >6.5%).
Diabetes is mostly Genetic :
Most types of diabetes are genetic. If you have a family history of diabetes, then there is a significant risk of developing it during lifetime.
Stabilise and reverse prediabetes and diabetes :
However, a lot can be done to prevent diabetes, or delay the onset of diabetes or even reverse diabetes and bring your HbA1c in normal range (below 5.7%).
Beat the Genes :
How to beat the diabetic genes you inherited from parents.
1) Loose weight. This will significantly help. Get weight loss treatment if needed. See an Endocrinologist.
2) Eat low glycemic index carbohydrates.
3) Eat most of your carbohydrates in breakfast and lunch, so you can burn them off while at work. Evening meal should have minimal portion of carbs.
4) Cardio Exercise 45-60 minutes, 5 times a week or sports of choice.
5) See a dietician to help plan your meals.
6) Mange work load. Do what you can do. Too much work and stress may lead to comfort eating.
Targets :
a) Keep BMI (body mass index) in the middle of normal range. (23 for men and 21 for women).
b) Keep waist normal (men below 36inch and women below 31inch)
c) Check Cholesterol and Triglyceride and keep it in normal range.
d) Keep Body fat percentage in normal range.
New Drugs & Devices :
Even if you become diabetic, your blood sugars can be perfectly controlled with help of new drugs and monitoring devices. We can prevent damage to kidneys and heart.
Live healthy and improve quality of life.
For further details contact via www.Ehormoneclinic.com
Dr. Oraizi Jafery
Consultant in Endocrine, Diabetes,
Weight Management & Lipid/Cholesterol.
Bedfordshire, United Kingdom.